Tray icon is the primary way you can access HDD Thermometer's features, settings and logs.
When you right-click on HDD Thermometer's system tray icon you get its context menu.
You can select any of these items on this menu by clicking its name with your mouse:
HDD Thermometer Settings... displays settings dialog.
Hard Disk Settings... displays settings dialog for current hard disk.
Temperature Logs opens a sub-menu where you can view temperature log for each of your hard disks.
Feedback opens a sub-menu where you can send Bug Report or visit HDD Thermometer's WWW Page.
Registration opens a sub-menu where you can Register Program (for free) and Enter Registration Code.
Help... shows current manual.
About... shows the current version of HDD Thermometer and registration information.
Exit HDD Thermometer - closes HDD Thermometer so it no longer monitoring your hard disks.